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Car Drawing
Toyota Camry, paper, india ink, wheatpaste 2011

Car Drawing
Toyota Camry, paper, india ink, wheatpaste 2011

deconstructed picnic basket, thread 2013

detail deconstructed picnic basket, thread 2013

Sun, Flower, Seed
Toyota Camry, clay, sunflowers, twine 2010 See more images at link

Figure (Fetal Position)

Sometimes/So Me
based on a poem by Renee Gregorio 12” x 24” x 2” glass, pigment, wood 2012

Ceci N'est Pas Un Objet Quantique
(a box for Edwin Scrodinger) collaboration w/ Julie Chase-Daniel wood, paint, hardware, motor, solar panels, wire, thread. VIDEO AT LINK BELOW

Tree, rubber, pump, solar panel, wire, steel 24” x 24” x 39” 2011

Tree, rubber, pump, solar panel, wire, steel 24” x 24” x 39” 2011

Tool 25
Ailanthus wood, twine, paint, steel 2019

Tool 26
Ailanthus wood, twine, paint, steel 2019
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