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The Lena Wall displays temporary exhibitions of wheatpasted and painted artwork on the side of the Cloud Cliff building on the corner of Lena Street and Second Street (1805 Second St.) in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


The project is made possible through the generosity of Willem Malten and Stephen Auger, and numerous individual donors,


The jetsonorama mural (2024) is possible with generous support through sponsorship from  The City of Santa Fe Arts and Culture Department.


The Three Sisters Collective mural (2024) is supported by individual donors and the Rauschenberg Foundation. Paints generously donated for the project by Artisan Santa Fe and Dunn-Edwards..


501(c)(3) support from In The Family Way.​


Donations to support The Lena Wall are welcome:​


The Lena Wall is curated, organized, facilitated, and produced by Matthew Chase-Daniel






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